This is six months old or so. Since illustrating this news story, I've second-guessed my hack-job German. I'm pretty sure it should be Keine mehr Pillen.
This is for a Japan Relief Small Works Auction that Montserrat College of Art (my school!) is setting up. I saw a facebook gallery of other works that will be in the show (some of my previous teachers have work in the show!), and if you're in Beverly, you should check it out, and... not look at mine because the other work is AMAZING. I'm sort of embarrassed about this drawing now, because no one else's work is directly related to the theme of "Japan" and "Earthquake", and my idea seems obvious and ham-handed (It didn't even occur to me that I didn't have to deal with a theme at all!).
Sigh. Let this be a lesson for me. But here it is, and here's me being honest with you, and here's info on the show. All proceeds from the silent auction go to the Red Cross.